Insulate Your Home
Is your roof ready for winter?
Is your attic properly insulated?
Poorly Insulated
- Causes energy loss
- Allows heat and moisture to escape through the attic
- Damage to the roof and attic
- Cool house in the winter, hot house in the summer
- Causes uneven snow distribution and ice dams
- Excessive moisture in the roof deck
- Mold and rot from condensation

Properly Insulated
- Reduces energy costs by 15%
- Maintains consistent temperature between floors
- Warm house in the winter, cool house in the summer
- Cool attic in the winter, hot attic in the summer
- Allows for even snow distribution
- Safeguards and protects the roof
Did you know that approximately 90% of homes in the United States lack proper insulation, especially in residences older than 10-15 years? This results in millions of households losing precious heat in winter and cool air in summer, leading to skyrocketing energy bills and an uncomfortable living environment. Where does most of this energy seep out from? The attic! Not sure if your attic is properly insulated? Here are some features of properly vs poorly insulated attics.
Is your attic properly insulated?

- Poorly Insulated
- Causes energy loss
- Allows heat and moisture to escape through the attic
- Damage to the roof and attic
- Cool house in the winter, hot house in the summer
- Causes uneven snow distribution and ice dams
- Excessive moisture in the roof deck
- Mold and rot from condensation
- Properly Insulated
- Reduces energy costs by 15%
- Maintains consistent temperature between floors
- Warm house in the winter, cool house in the summer
- Cool attic in the winter, hot attic in the summer
- Allows for even snow distribution
- Safeguards and protects the roof
Did you know that a staggering 50% of homes in the United States lack proper insulation, especially in residences older than 10-15 years? This results in millions of households losing precious heat in winter and cool air in summer, leading to skyrocketing energy bills and an uncomfortable living environment. Where does most of this energy seep out from? The attic! Not sure if your attic is properly insulated? Here are some features of properly vs poorly insulated attics.
Attic Insulation
Homeowners from Northeast Wisconsin can expect us to provide unmatched professional attic insulation services. We rely on outstanding quality and 15+ years of attic insulation experience in the Fox Valley, Green Bay, and surrounding communities.
Hiring the local experts for your attic insulation project not only saves you time, but it also saves you money on heating and cooling expenses. Up to 40% of your home’s heat can escape through your attic. Let the local experts at Security-Luebke Roofing help you properly insulate your home and save on heating and cooling.

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